Beauty | Korean 6D Natural Eyebrow Embroidery/Microblading at The Klinik

23:37 Jayyangg 1 Comments

The Klinik reached out to me a month ago and asked if I would be willing to have them sponsor my Eyebrow embroidery with them! I was extremely excited as I had been looking into this for a while now. This procedure penetrates the skin at a shallow level and leaves pigment behind lasting around 1-2 years. 

In terms of my eyebrows, I think I am a perfectionist and can spend most of my time perfecting my eyebrows! This can take up a lot of time if I'm in a rush or heading out to class.
My best friend actually has hers done and essentially that's all the makeup she needs before she walked out the door. I was so jealous that when she woke up she didn't look like she had something missing like I did :(

The Klinik is associated with leading South Korean medical group DS and my doctor arrived from Korea 2 days before my appointment at their pop-up. They also provided a translator as the doctor could only speak Korean and very limited English. For me this wasn’t an issue and if anything made the whole experience more authentic! 

The Klinik is currently doing pop-ups, the first one was Oct 27-28, and their second one will be in the first week of December 2018. In January they will open up their official store in Singapore. 

They are currently offering for a limited time their regular service + 1 Touch Up at $675 SGD +10% off! (Value of $1350) for their 2nd Pop-Up in December.

Book/Find them here:

First was the consultation phase: 

The 2 ladies were super helpful and made the entire process very easy. The doctor first asked me to take off all my makeup except my brows to see how I drew them on a daily basis. She asked why the tail went down so low and I just said it was my preference, but I was open to new designs! She recommended a slightly more flat brow look that was a lot more natural. She then drew onto my eyebrows the general shape and confirmed if I liked it or not. 
What I found extremely helpful during the consultation session was that if I had a question on why she recommends something, she really had great answers which made me feel at ease! 
The consultation took around 15 minutes. 

The Numbing Cream: 

She then applied numbing cream to my eyebrows on the design and waited about 10-15 minutes. This numbing cream was amazing as I didn't feel a single thing during the embroidery! I felt slight tugging sensations but no pain at all. She also informed that after she had reapplied the numbing cream one more time while she worked on the other eyebrow ensuring I felt no pain :) 
The total time for this process was around 30 minutes

After the numbing cream, she then custom created the brown I wanted my eyebrows to be! I had told her that I wanted my brows a bit darker as I intended to dye my hair darker in the following weeks. 
After the embroidery, she applied a lot of pigment/ colour to the point where it looked like I was La Bi Xiao Xin LOL this was to have it saturate and to ensure that every line had enough colour. I waited about 15-17 minutes, this is where it stung just a LITTLE bit. The numbing cream had started to wear off but honestly, it didn't even hurt as much as a getting a paper cut. After this feeling subsided, I felt NO pain for the rest of the week! 
Immediately after! 

They instructed me on the Do's and Don'ts for 1 week after the embroidery and provided me with this cream to apply to my brows 1-2 (preferably) per day. One of the staff recommended using Vaseline if I were to run out of the cream but assured that I wouldn't need much. I was worried that I wouldn't have enough but turned out to be more than plenty! 

Some of the Do's and Don'ts: 
  • Apply cream 1-2 times a day 
  • Do not apply makeup 
  • Do not rub/scratch your eyebrows
  • Try to sleep on your back 
  • Do not drink alcohol or smoke 

The total time it took from walking in and leaving was 1.5 Hours 

Oct 27 - Day 1
Oct 28 - Day 2
Oct 29 - Day 3
Days 1-3 my eyebrows had turned much darker - which turns to small scabs. 
Oct 29 - Day 3

Oct 31 - Day 5
Oct 31 - Day 5

By days 5 my eyebrows started to pill a little and the scabs were slowly naturally coming off. You are not supposed to pick at them! 

Nov 4 - Day 8

Day 7 is where my eyebrows really reached the final stage, most of the scabs had come off and revealed very natural looking hair like strokes! I really have to say I was slightly concerned as my eyebrows were looking a bit patchy throughout this process but the doctors did warn me about it. It wasn't till day 7 were my brows actually what they were supposed to look like so please be a bit patient! 

Day 8! After I touched it up a bit to match my current hair colour. 

I would really recommend getting the 6D Natural Eyebrow Embroidery/Microblading if you are looking for the "I was born with naturally nice brows" look. When I wake up with no makeup I feel a lot more confident with and leaving the house with no makeup which for me is the most important part :) 
However, personally, since I do wear makeup almost every day, I do like my brows a bit more defined so I find myself needed to fill it in a bit. During the December pop-up I will definitely be asking them to tweak a few small things!

Overall Experience: 9/10 

Pain level: 1/10

1 comment:

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